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Plantronics 5200 UC Bluetooth Headset Outdoor Demo For Serious Business Pros, Outdoors Wind noise, Noise Canceling

Article ID: 105893 Print
What kind of noises can the Plantronics 5200 UC block out with the noise canceling microphone?


Plantronics 5200 Voyager UC Demonstration - Noise Blocking


Are you tired of uncomfortable headsets that don't stay on your ear?  The Plantronic 5200 UC headset is a god-send for those who have had problems wearing other headsets around the ear.  Check out how these stay stable during the whole video.


You probably can't tell but for people with small ears, you may find wearing wrap around the ear headsets very uncomfortable.


As you will see in this video as I walk near cars driving by creating lots of road noise as I talk on the Plantronics 5200 UC Bluetooth Headset without any problems and the 5200 UC Bluetooth headset stays on my ear the whole time.


In the 20 years of working with clients with headsets, this one is one of the few that I use and recommend.


Check out the full-length podcast for more details and comparisons to other Bluetooth headsets we tested.

Got questions on how to use Plantronic 5200 UC Bluetooth earbuds? Deploy them successfully within your organization? Send us a comment or connect with us at any of the social media sites below.

🎧 Plantronics Voyager 5200 UC bluetooth headsets are available on our store here



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Article Details
Views: 3930 Created on: Oct 04, 2021
Date updated: Oct 04, 2021
Posted in: Product Demo
