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How do I setup or install the Mitel DECT Module and cordless headset with my Mitel 5330, 5340, 5360

Article ID: 69227 Print
How do I setup or install the Mitel DECT Module and cordless headset with my Mitel 5330, 5340, 5360?


In order to successfully get the Mitel DECT module and Cordless headset to work with your Mitel phone follow the setup instructions below. The instructions below assumes that you have alredy installed the Mitel DECT module on your phone and only need to program your phone so that you can enable the cordless headset.  If you require additional detail on how to install the Mitel DECT module check out the video below.

Mitel cordless headset setup programming instructions:

  1. Login to your Mitel phone
  2. Press the Blue “applications” button on the Mitel phone to enter the programming setup
  3. The select “cordless devices” from the display of the Mitel phone
  4. A new screen will appear on the Mitel display
  5. Now press and hold the “pairing” button located on the top of the Mitel DECT module. You can release the pairing button when the Mitel display changes and displays the following: “To pair a DECT device press and hold down the hookswitch until the Blue LED on the DECT device flashes"
  6. Now press and hold the silver button on the earpiece for 5 secs. After 5 secs release the button and see the display on the Mitel phone should say: “Would you like to pair this device - Yes or No”. Select “yes”
  7. You will notice that DECT Headset is now paired. And the battery level of the DECT headset is displayed on the Mitel display screen. A green LED light should be flashing on the Mitel cradle when you insert the earpiece back on the cradle
  8. You can now exit the Mitel programming by selecting close. Allow headset to charge for at least 1-2 hours.

After you have allowed your headset to fully charge you will be able to use the headset. Headset Usage To answer a call with the headset press the silver button. To disconnect you will also press the silver button. To mute a call press down on the lever located near the silver button. To unmute press down on the silver button again. To increase/decrease volume on the earpiece push the black lever up/down.

The video below is compliment of TWNS - How to install the Mitel DECT module


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Article Details
Views: 25572 Created on: Sep 18, 2015
Date updated: Sep 18, 2015
