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Blue Parrott Firmware Upgrades

Article ID: 99813 Print
Why are the people I'm speaking with not able to hear me on my Blue Parrott Headset?


Blue Parrott headset users want to ensure that they are using current firmware upgrades to their headset for optimal performance.


To upgrade you must first download Blue Parrott Updater :


BlueParrott users should upgrade to the latest of firmware version 1.32 on B550-XT.  This release fixes many of the issues that users are experiencing on the B550-XT.
And users should also upgrade firmware on C300-XT to 1.17.  This release give an slight increase to the audio volume which was a complaint by several users of this headset.  

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Article Details
Views: 9309 Created on: Jul 19, 2019
Date updated: Jul 19, 2019
