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Avaya compatible wireless headsets for 9620, 9630, 9630G, 9640, 1608 and 1616 | Plantronics Wireless Headset Options

Article ID: 53100 Print
Which Plantronics Wireless headsets are compatible with my Avaya 9620, 9630, 9630G, 9640, 1608 and 1616 phones?




Wireless headsets from Plantronics are designed to be compatible with virtually any Avaya IP phones including 9620, 9630, 9630, 9640, 1608, and 1616 phones.  The trick is to know which accessories and cables are required for the wireless headset to work properly on your phone.  Below we outline the necessary accessories for usage with the Avaya telephone models mentioned above.


The primary differences among the various Plantronics wireless headsets are the features (telephone only vs Telephone/PC, battery time, distance, etc). In order to select the right Wireless headset and accessories for your Avaya phone you must first determine if you want to answer calls with the wireless headset or not.  If you want to answer calls with the wireless headset you will need the Electronic Hook Switch (EHS) Adapter APV-63 or the Lifter HL10.  These accessories are ideal for roaming the office without ever missing a call. Without these accessories you will be forced to manually answer all calls at the phone before you can use headset. Below are further details on Plantronics wireless headsets connected to the Avaya phones (9620, 9630, 9630, 9640, 1608, and 1616). 


Answering calls using the EHS Adapter

The key to proper headset usage lies in having the correct accessories to connect the wireless with the Avaya phone. The Plantronics Wireless headsets come with a base station that interfaces with the Avaya telephone. This allows you to use the both wireless headset or the handset as needed. 

Notes: With the EHS Adapter (APV-63) you can pickup/hangup directly from the headset and get a ringtone notification of incoming calls through the headset. 

Answering calls using the HL10 Lifter

The HL10 Lifter is a mechanical device that rests on your phone and "lifts" the handset and alleviates the need to pickup a call at the phone manually. Unlike the APV-63 which is electronic the HL10 is a mechanical device.

Notes: This accessories allows you to pickup/hangup directly from the headset and notifies you of incoming calls through the headset. 

Manually answering calls without the EHS Adapter

If you do not wish to purchase either the EHS Adapter or the HL10 Lifter you will need to manually answer all calls from the phone first before talking on the headset.  The Plantronics wireless headsets have no ability to answer nor disconnect unless using the mentioned accessories. If you do not plan to be roaming around the office you can forgo using the those accessories. You can always add the EHS Adapter or HL10 Lifter afterwards if you find it inconvenient to run back to the phone when it rings.

 Popular wireless headsets for Avaya phones:

 plantronics avaya compatible wireless bluetooth headset legend cs cisco compatible plantronics wireless headset cs540  plantronics_lifter_hl10_for_wireless_headset  plantronics_apv-63_ehs_for_wireless_headsets
Plantronics Legend CS Plantronics CS540 Plantronics HL10 Lifter Plantronics EHS - APV-63
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If you have questions about your Avaya phone's compatibility and which accessory(s) are required for your Avaya phone feel free to start a chat session or call us 703-766-6363. Global Teck Worldwide provides an optional ProSetup Service that provides expert configuration and installation, over the phone, on any headset purchased on our website. If you purchased your headset through our website have your order number available for support.



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Views: 12618 Created on: Aug 18, 2014
Date updated: Aug 18, 2014

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