Support Center > Support Topics> Tagged: noise canceling headsets
Tag: noise canceling headsets
2 Articles
Orange arrow What cable do I need buy to connect a Jabra headset to a Avaya phone 6408D+?

  You need to purchase a headset and headset adapter (GN8210 for Jabra headsets and M22 for Plantronics headsets) since the Avaya 6408D+ does not natively support a headset nor have a headset jack. Below you will find the most popular headsets that are compatible with the Avaya 6408D+ phone. The re...
Posted in: Compatibility

Orange arrow Which headset should I use for a noisy environment?

  If you are going to use a headset in an environment that is noisy you'll want to get one with "noise canceling". This feature filters out common background noises such as co-workers talking in the office next to you or common offices noises that can be bothersome during conversations. Noise cance...

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